Monday, February 13, 2012

How to shoot heroin correctly.

Today I caught myself thinking about shooting the heroin. You all may think that it's just "in and out" procedure with no need to know anything about that interesting action. If you have ever thought about it then I may bring some light into the question.

First of all, you need your sterile equipment. It means you have to have clean needle, clean water, filter for the drug itself and alcohol swabs  are good idea too. You can't quarantee the  the quality and cleanness of the drug but you can save your ass by using clean equipment.

Secondly, you need good veins because that's the place where the needle goes. Veins tend to collapse after some use of heroine so you have to search other options than arm veins.

Third point is to mix the water+crystal solvent with blood before injecting. If you do not do so then your body may reject the mix and this shit will end badly for you.

Last but not least, DO NOT USE THE MOTHERFUCKING HEROIN IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE! You will be a bitch of the drug till the rest of you life if you choose to use.
To conclude that smart talk, I would recommend you to use sterile equipment, have good place to inject, always mix solvent with blood and if you have a choice - don't do the drug! I hope it helped all the junkies out there. Bye!

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