Saturday, November 10, 2012

Insomnia and alcohol.

Insomnia without beer or vodka is the worst thing that can happen. Take my word for it!
Toivo soovitab!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Talking with myself and WW III.

God, help me to write some shit about World War 3. Some rational points and thoughts. Oh God! Help!
No one gives a fuck because there is no one who is reading this. Writing for the internet eternity or what?

So... give me some rational points regarding WW3.
They better e good cause i need to write something really quick.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Good Soldier Švejk

The Good Soldier Švejk and the Military of Estonia
I got a letter from the Estonian Military to go get checked in January to see if I fit in the military service. Ironically came the letter just when I was reading the book mentioned above. First reaction was to inject myself with some crap or play the insanity card because they all did that shit back then. Ok, I don't live in Austro-Hungarian Empire nor do I hate war or military service. Even Švejk liked army life when many didn't. Švejk was too simpleminded to hate anything. He even loved all the officers even most of them were idiotic and ignorant fucks. Long story short, no point was intended to be in this story and I'm going to serve my time in July or in October. Bye.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lazy in your head.

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the day.
Sometimes I hold my pee very long time because I'm unwilling to get up from my chair.
I have stack of library books at my desk that should be beck in the library.
I have keys that were meant to be given away long time ago.
I haven't given my paper in.
I don't have nothing to drink.
But it's changing! I'm going shopping! Fuck yes!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Couple days ago OFWGKTA released wicked track called Rella. Damn, this shit is comforting. That's all, folks!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I give you some cool info about farts.

PS! I don't take any credits for this poster.

It's Valentine's Day. Good tips just for you.

As we know today is the day we remember our closest friends and not so close friends. For that occasion I thought what would be the good present ideas to give to your loved ones on that day.

  1. Cock mitten " is just a brilliant concept. I bet you can let it made by your granny to give it to your dear friend. A practical piece for holding your cock warm.
  2. All the other shit (candy, flowers, hug)
Don't let your dick fall off! I hope my genius ideas will help you out.

Monday, February 13, 2012

How to shoot heroin correctly.

Today I caught myself thinking about shooting the heroin. You all may think that it's just "in and out" procedure with no need to know anything about that interesting action. If you have ever thought about it then I may bring some light into the question.

First of all, you need your sterile equipment. It means you have to have clean needle, clean water, filter for the drug itself and alcohol swabs  are good idea too. You can't quarantee the  the quality and cleanness of the drug but you can save your ass by using clean equipment.

Secondly, you need good veins because that's the place where the needle goes. Veins tend to collapse after some use of heroine so you have to search other options than arm veins.

Third point is to mix the water+crystal solvent with blood before injecting. If you do not do so then your body may reject the mix and this shit will end badly for you.

Last but not least, DO NOT USE THE MOTHERFUCKING HEROIN IF YOU HAVE A CHOICE! You will be a bitch of the drug till the rest of you life if you choose to use.
To conclude that smart talk, I would recommend you to use sterile equipment, have good place to inject, always mix solvent with blood and if you have a choice - don't do the drug! I hope it helped all the junkies out there. Bye!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Some secrets to be successful.

Some time ago I was surfing and found a little lecture about success by Richard St. John. This guy started to search recipe for success after he had a talk with a student in a plane where he was asked a simple question:"What is needed to be successful?". Years and hundreds of interviews later he concluded the subject with 8 simple points. So, what really are secrets to success?

  1. Passion. You have to do something with love. Working only for MONEY isn't a very good idea.
  2. Work. It is all hard work! Nothing comes easily. You have to work your ass off if you need to. 
  3. Good. You have to get damn good at something. Like Lenin said:"To learn, to learn and to learn!" 
  4. Focus. You have to focus on what you do best if you are not a genius. You need to focus real hard.
  5. Push. Push yourself physically and mentally. Push yourself trough all the shit that comes on your way.
  6. Serve. Serve others than just value.
  7. Ideas. Listen, observe, be curious, ask questions, solve problems, make connections. Good ideas will come. Trust me.
  8. Persist. Be persistent. Persist criticism, rejection, assholes and pressure. Never give up! 

These were the BIG 8 things that you have to keep in mind when you are wanting to be successful. Go for it!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

When things are getting worse.

Hi!  Have you ever thought that one day your good life will be over? Well... lately I have done just that. There are signs when you should start grabbing the steering wheel and aim the nose of your life into right direction. Some symptoms to give you a little hint that you should do something to change your life:

1. You feel and see that people (like your parents) are giving you signs that you should start earning your own living even if they promised at the beginning that I should prioritise my studies.
2. You can't afford simple things such as drinking, buying electronics and you can't pay for your parking  tickets.
3. You are too lazy to get money from Uni. because, like I said, you are too motherfucking lazy.
4. You see that all your friends can handle their shit without help from above.

These are the main reasons why you should stand the fuck up and grab the hold of your own life. Even I feel that I can't be held in a cotton anymore. So I encourage you to STAND THE FUCK UP! and be the man again and again if it's needed. Don't be a pussy like me. Motivate yourself! Do shit!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Give me some!

It is getting more and more obvious that I need to start earning my own living. It is psychologicaly akward to be a almost grown man and still live off my mom's wallet. So I could use some help to make up some good business plan to earn some money of my own. Feeling desperate already. So... just give me some good ideas or just ideas. Just feel free to do so.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Busy bee... not.

Hi! Hello!
How is your day going? Mine is going great.
I still have things to finish up and things I have to start doing:
  1. Paper for school
  2. Paper for mum
  3. Start doing sports
  4. Find a job(next year)
  5. Start eating properly
  6. Stop jacking off
  7. Learn programming(awww yeaah!)
That's it! And it's now time for a funny story.
Good one.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Shitty shit fuck!

I ruined my beer. I can't finish my paper. I'm fat as fuck. My laptop is giving up on me. I'm broke. Sad part is I can't blame nobody except myself. Someone needs to kick me in the butt and hold my hand so I could get back on the big old train called life. Jail is a good idea because there they feed me and I believe that there are even people who would hold my hand and guide me.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Making beer in dormroom vol.2 continued!

It's four days already and it smells funny. Think I have fucked it up somehow. I doubt that I will drink it but hey... haven't felt sick for along time. I hope it won't make my shit slushy.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Bier vol2 road to glory.

Day 2. The color and texture are shit. I'm afraid that this ooze kills me. Have to let the pressure out cause I'm afraid that this bottle explodes too.
Best solution is to go and buy normal beer in my honest opinion.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Making beer in dormroom vol.2!

Today I'm going with the 1.5 liter bottle. Better cap I hope. Again I'm using my beerpowder, ca. 50g sugar and mint tea. If everything goes OK then I can taste that fine beverage next week. Cheers!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Making beer in dormroom.

It all happened when I had an idea to make my own wine under my dorm table. Unfortunately my plan to make wine had to be postponed because I didn't had the right equipment at that time. So I made up my mind to make some good old home made beer.  Plan FAILED. First of all I made it into a plastic 5 liter bottle and poured there my boiled water (still hot ofc) and the bastard shrunk. Then I mixed with the beerpowder and added some mint and honey just for kicks. After shaking the shit out of it I placed it in my closet and wrapped it in a plastic bag. Thank God because the beer decided to go batshit on me and exploded middle of the night. Poor closet but I was saved from the big beerflood thanks to the plastic bag I wrapped around the bottle earlier. Now I'm sad as fuck.
The picture illustrates my main equipment.
Good tips are welcome.