Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Making beer in dormroom.

It all happened when I had an idea to make my own wine under my dorm table. Unfortunately my plan to make wine had to be postponed because I didn't had the right equipment at that time. So I made up my mind to make some good old home made beer.  Plan FAILED. First of all I made it into a plastic 5 liter bottle and poured there my boiled water (still hot ofc) and the bastard shrunk. Then I mixed with the beerpowder and added some mint and honey just for kicks. After shaking the shit out of it I placed it in my closet and wrapped it in a plastic bag. Thank God because the beer decided to go batshit on me and exploded middle of the night. Poor closet but I was saved from the big beerflood thanks to the plastic bag I wrapped around the bottle earlier. Now I'm sad as fuck.
The picture illustrates my main equipment.
Good tips are welcome.

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